Exercise Myths
Myths Busted!
Determining fact from fiction when it comes to exercise and fitness is
not as easy
as conducting a scientific experiment to determine if the myth is real
or "busted".
However, based on my research and the feed back from the
experts, these
exercise and fitness
myths are busted.
These ones are still widely
believed by
many, but be sure to read why they are fiction and not fact.
By gaining knowledge and knowing truth from lies you can get the most
from your exercise routines.
6 Common Exercise and Fitness Myths
out the common fitness and exercise myths to ensure you know fact from
alone will make me lose weight, I can still eat it all and tone those
trouble spots.
The truth is, if you build muscle and don't lose the fat, all you have
accomplished is getting rock hard abs that no one will see.
Your six pack will be hidden beneath a layer of fat.
You need to exercise and tone but still focus on eating right to reduce
the fat. Your weekly workout should include both strength
training and aerobic exercises to really burn calories and fat.
Be sure to check out this article on
burning exercises to make the most out of your workout and
start to lose your body fat and tone up your muscles.
I can
reduce fat by doing targeted toning exercises.
This exercise myth is widely believed by many people.
However, no matter what the latest and greatest diet pill or
exercise program will tell you, you cannot target one area and one area
only. To lose body fat you must workout your entire body
including both aerobic exercises and strength training.
Unfortunately it is not up to you where you will lose body fat first.
Your genetics and body determine this. So in order
to tone up those trouble spots you have to workout your entire body in
order to shed body fat.
training will create large bulky muscles.
training does not create bulky, large muscles.
However it will help you tone and firm the muscles.
Women generally do not bulk up unless that is what they are
training for. Women do not have the hormones needed to build
the big bulky muscles.
Even men struggle to get those big
bulky muscles and have to train very hard to achieve this.
Weight lifting is the most common strength training exercise.
However as an alternative you can try doing
band exercises or
dumbbell exercises. These are a
great alternative to weight lifting and is more affordable.
Muscle turns
to fat when you stop exercising.

is muscle and fat is fat. The one cannot become the other.
The reason this exercise myth is believed is that generally
you stop
exercising, your
muscles atrophy or become smaller.
Additionally, when people
stop exercising, and if they still eat the same amount of
calories, they will begin to put on weight, which will likely increase
the body fat.
With the increased body fat and the smaller
muscles, people assume that the muscle has turned to fat.
If I do more
repetitions this is better for building muscles.
The most common exercising myth
is the belief that if you 100 reps during strength training it is
for them than 25 crunches. The truth is any exercise worth
doing is worth doing right.
Don’t rush the
exercise. Make sure you’re doing it right and you will get
great results from fewer repetitions.
Of course there is
nothing wrong with doing 100 reps, just make sure you are doing them
correctly to get the benefit of your strength training exercises.
Here are instructions on how to perform the
top 3
most effective abdominal exercises.
My calorie
burn keeps going even after I’ve stopped exercising.

exercise myth does have
some merit to it. You will continue to burn calories after
your workout, but this burn only lasts for a few minutes.
After approximately 20 or 30 minutes, your body returns to the normal
metabolic rate (BMR), the rate at which you burn calories
while at total rest.
One type of exercise,
interval training,
has shown that you can keep this boost to your metabolism and calorie
burn up to 5 times longer than the easier low to moderate aerobic
With exercising however, especially strength training exercises, you
will eventually increase your BMR, therefore, by exercising you really
are increasing your metabolism that will continue to burn more calories
even after you exercise.
This is due to the increased muscle
mass, which in turns increases your BMR.
Now that
you know the
myths, be sure to find out all the benefits to exercise.
Additional Articles
Exercise Myths
If you are over 50 then read these exercise myths and find out why exercising at
any age can be okay. Staying active at any age is important, but for seniors there are so
many more health benefits.
Loss Myths
Make sure you know the difference between fact and fiction for weight
loss to make the most of your diet.
Exercise Tips
If you are just starting out building your workout plan, then check out
these tips. These tips will help you get set up with the right equipment,
environment and the right exercises.