Weight Watchers Points - Cottage Inn


The Weight Watchers points you will find here are for Cottage Inn restaurant. Plus you will find the nutrition information on this page.

If you are in the mood for gourmet pizza or a tasty sub, then you have come to the right place. If you are trying to stay within your daily allowance, then this information will help you while dieting.

Regardless of which system you are following you can find the information here. The table below shows the Smart Points, points plus and the original values for Weight Watchers programs.

Use this free WW Points tracker spreadsheet you can download and use today.

If you are not a Weight Watchers member but still trying to lose weight, then use the Cottage Inn nutrition information. You can look up calories, total fat, carbohydrates and more.

No matter what your diet or health needs are, the nutritional data is sure to fit your needs.

Weight Watchers Points & Nutrition

Use the interactive features to view the Weight Watchers Points or restaurant nutrition in the table below. Click here for help on using the interactive features. We recommend using Google Chrome or Internet Explorer for the interactive table as some of the interactive features do not work with FireFox.

Note: Javascript must be enabled to use the interactive features. If you don't have javascript enabled, you will not be able to search, filter, sort or use the drop down menu.

Menu ItemServSPtsPts+Orig PtsCalTfatSfatFibProCarbSug
1000 Island Dressing1.5 oz7561991930064
All Meat Pizza1 lrg slice1198337166217324
Anchovies1 lrg slice00014100200
Antipasto Salad1 sm9752451363161910
Artichoke Hearts1 lrg slice00013000000
Bacon1 lrg slice11139310200
Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza1 lrg slice1087309136216324
BBQ Chicken Sub, 6 inch1 ea21151356120201385514
BBQ Sauce1 oz4217000001816
BBQ Wings3 pcs4431408201443
Black Olives1 lrg slice0007100000
Bleu Cheese Dressing1.5 oz8662132240032
BLT Sub, 6 inch1 ea2117156513514338447
Boneless Bites Wings3 pcs55416611208100
Bread Stix1 pc4431374115200
Broccoli1 lrg slice0002000000
Caesar Dressing1.5 oz8662152330011
Caesar Salad1 sm12983472010425198
Chicken1 lrg slice00019000310
Chicken Alfredo Pizza1 lrg slice986290116116314
Chicken Club Sub, 6 inch1 ea141211481187332456
Chicken Mediterranean Pizza1 lrg slice1087318136219324
Chicken Parmesan Pizza1 lrg slice87626994215334
Chicken Pita, whole1 ea231017800148239294
Cinnamon Stix1 pc5541725114283
Showing 1 to 25 of 73 entries
Click on any menu item to see additional nutrition information
Menu ItemServSPtsPts+Orig Pts
1000 Island Dressing1.5 oz756
All Meat Pizza1 lrg slice1198
Anchovies1 lrg slice000
Antipasto Salad1 sm975
Artichoke Hearts1 lrg slice000
Bacon1 lrg slice111
Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza1 lrg slice1087
BBQ Chicken Sub, 6 inch1 ea211513
BBQ Sauce1 oz421
BBQ Wings3 pcs443
Black Olives1 lrg slice000
Bleu Cheese Dressing1.5 oz866
BLT Sub, 6 inch1 ea211715
Boneless Bites Wings3 pcs554
Bread Stix1 pc443
Broccoli1 lrg slice000
Caesar Dressing1.5 oz866
Caesar Salad1 sm1298
Chicken1 lrg slice000
Chicken Alfredo Pizza1 lrg slice986
Chicken Club Sub, 6 inch1 ea141211
Chicken Mediterranean Pizza1 lrg slice1087
Chicken Parmesan Pizza1 lrg slice876
Chicken Pita, whole1 ea231017
Cinnamon Stix1 pc554
Showing 1 to 25 of 73 entries

Nutrition Key:

SPts = Smart Points
Pts + =Points Plus
Org Pts = Original WW Points

Cal = Calories(kCal)
TFat = Total Fat(g)
SFat = Saturated Fat(g)
Fib = Dietary Fiber(g)
Pro = Protein(g)
Carb = Carbohydrates(g)
Sug = Sugar(g)

Note: The SmartPoints values are not adjusted for the new FreeStyle plan as nutrition generally does not show by ingredients. Therefore if there is a menu item you know includes a zero point food item, your points will be less than what is shown in the table.

 Back to Weight Watchers points restaurant list

Additional Articles

Points Tracker
Download this free spreadsheet to track your points. Record your foods and activities. The daily and weekly allowances will adjust automatically as you use them.

Calories Definition
You know you need to watch your calorie consumption in order to lose weight but what exactly is a calorie? Find out more with this article.

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculation
Learn more about your basal metabolic rate and how it's calculated with this article.