Weight Watchers Points - Extreme Pita (US)


Check out these Weight Watchers points and nutrition information for Extremem Pita (US). If you are looking for the Canada information, click here.

In the table below you can find all the various WW points. The first column of points is the new Smart numbers.

In the next two columns you will find the Plus and the original WW points value.

So be sure to use the correct column to calculate your daily and weekly allowances. Download this free points tracker spreadsheet. Just plug in your allowance and the worksheet will keep track of what points you have left.

For the non WW members you will be able to track what your diet plan calls for. Just use the Extreme Pita nutrition information to track what you need. You can count calories, total fat or even carbohydrates. Additional information includes saturated fat, dietary fiber, protein and sugar.

Knowing the nutritional values or points values in the foods you eat, even while eating out, will help you reach your weight loss goals.

Weight Watchers Points & Nutrition

Use the interactive features to view the Weight Watchers Points or restaurant nutrition in the table below. Click here for help on using the interactive features. We recommend using Google Chrome or Internet Explorer for the interactive table as some of the interactive features do not work with FireFox.

Note: Javascript must be enabled to use the interactive features. If you don't have javascript enabled, you will not be able to search, filter, sort or use the drop down menu.

Menu ItemServSPtsPts+Orig PtsCalTfatSfatFibProCarbSugComments
Backyard Bbq Steak Pita, Extreme445g19161464427910455610
Backyard Bbq Steak Pita, Regular380g17141254822710335610
Backyard Bbq Steak Pita, Small261g1097353134623366
Bbq Chicken & Bacon Flatbaked Pita, Regular297g21171566328127436112
Bbq4U Pita, Kids222g77525931521398
Beafosaurus Rex Pita, Kids209g1087323114518388
Beef Fajitan/a231916732291014398011
Berry Mangalo Smoothie, largen/a168529310717163
Berry Mangalo Smoothie, smalln/a94216000413935
Big Berry Bang Smoothie, largen/a209634500418476
Big Berry Bang Smoothie, smalln/a115419700214844
Buffalo Chicken Flatbaked Pita, Regular327g1714135782410839493
Buffalo Chicken Pita, Extreme499g171513618218950556
Buffalo Chicken Pita, Regular412g151311533187936546
Buffalo Chicken Pita, Small278g987338104625354
Cheese Flatbaked Pita, Kids148g121083671810420331
Chicken Caesar Pita, Extreme380g201916726328954625
Chicken Caesar Pita, Regular305g171613593256936615
Chicken Caesar Pita, Small215g11108397164527394
Chicken Fajitan/a21181571223814458111
Chicken Fajita Pita, Extreme505g17161360921101050608
Chicken Fajita Pita, Regular440g16141153118101036598
Chicken Fajita Pita, Small289g1097335105625385
Chicken Shawarma Pita, Extreme505g18171462226101248668
Chicken Shawarma Pita, Regular415g1614115222071233638
Showing 1 to 25 of 88 entries
Click on any menu item to see additional nutrition information
Menu ItemServSPtsPts+Orig PtsComments
Backyard Bbq Steak Pita, Extreme445g191614
Backyard Bbq Steak Pita, Regular380g171412
Backyard Bbq Steak Pita, Small261g1097
Bbq Chicken & Bacon Flatbaked Pita, Regular297g211715
Bbq4U Pita, Kids222g775
Beafosaurus Rex Pita, Kids209g1087
Beef Fajitan/a231916
Berry Mangalo Smoothie, largen/a1685
Berry Mangalo Smoothie, smalln/a942
Big Berry Bang Smoothie, largen/a2096
Big Berry Bang Smoothie, smalln/a1154
Buffalo Chicken Flatbaked Pita, Regular327g171413
Buffalo Chicken Pita, Extreme499g171513
Buffalo Chicken Pita, Regular412g151311
Buffalo Chicken Pita, Small278g987
Cheese Flatbaked Pita, Kids148g12108
Chicken Caesar Pita, Extreme380g201916
Chicken Caesar Pita, Regular305g171613
Chicken Caesar Pita, Small215g11108
Chicken Fajitan/a211815
Chicken Fajita Pita, Extreme505g171613
Chicken Fajita Pita, Regular440g161411
Chicken Fajita Pita, Small289g1097
Chicken Shawarma Pita, Extreme505g181714
Chicken Shawarma Pita, Regular415g161411
Showing 1 to 25 of 88 entries

Nutrition Key:

SPts = Smart Points
Pts + =Points Plus
Org Pts = Original WW Points

Cal = Calories(kCal)
TFat = Total Fat(g)
SFat = Saturated Fat(g)
Fib = Dietary Fiber(g)
Pro = Protein(g)
Carb = Carbohydrates(g)
Sug = Sugar(g)

Note: The SmartPoints values are not adjusted for the new FreeStyle plan as nutrition generally does not show by ingredients. Therefore if there is a menu item you know includes a zero point food item, your points will be less than what is shown in the table.

Back to Weight Watchers points restaurant list

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