Weight Watchers Points


Here are the Weight Watchers points for the long awaited Penn Station. The nutrition information for this restaurant are for the ingredients that make up your favorite sub sandwich.

So be sure to add up all the points for the ingredients of your menu items. Don't forget to add up any extras you add such as extra meats and cheeses.

For the WW members, you will find the new SmartPoints, the Plus values and the original WW points numbers. Regardless of which method you are following to lose weight, you can track it with this information.

If you are not a member but still want to shed some extra pounds, then use the Penn Station nutrition data to reach your goals. You will find calories, total fat, saturated fat, dietary fiber, protein, carbohydrates and sugar. No matter what your dietary needs are, you are sure to find it below for this restaurant.

Weight Watchers Points & Nutrition

Use the interactive features to view the Weight Watchers Points or restaurant nutrition in the table below. Click here for help on using the interactive features. We recommend using Google Chrome or Internet Explorer for the interactive table as some of the interactive features do not work with FireFox.

Note: Javascript must be enabled to use the interactive features. If you don't have javascript enabled, you will not be able to search, filter, sort or use the drop down menu.

Note: The nutrition information is for the ingredients which make up the sub sandwiches or salads. Add all values for to get your totals. For the meats group, use 2.5 oz for 6 inch subs, 3 oz for 8 inch subs, 4 oz for 10 inch subs and 5 oz for 12 inch subs.

Menu ItemServSPtsPts+Orig PtsCalTfatSfatFibProCarbSug
1,000 Island, 10 inch sub2.5 oz141111370386001010
1,000 Island, 12 inch sub3 oz171313444458001212
1,000 Island, 4 inch sub1 oz6441481530044
1,000 Island, 6 inch sub1.5 oz9762222340066
1,000 Island, 8 inch sub2 oz11982963050088
1,000 Island, Salad2.0 oz11982963050088
1,000 Island, Wrap2 oz11982963050088
10 inch bread5.38 oz1110839171314700
12 inch bread6.46 oz1312946982316840
4 inch bread2.15 oz4431563115280
6 inch bread3.23 oz7652344128420
8 inch bread4.3 oz98631351211560
American Cheese, 10 inch sub2 oz866200181001020
American Cheese, 12 inch sub2.5 oz1077250231301330
American Cheese, 4 inch sub.5 oz21150530310
American Cheese, 6 inch sub1 oz433100950510
American Cheese, 8 inch sub1.5 oz6441501480820
American Cheese, Salad1.0 oz433100950510
American Cheese, Wrap1.5 oz6441501480820
Artichokes1 oz0007000111
Bacon1 slice22270620400
Banana Peppers (Grilled), 10 inch sub1.25 oz00010001022
Banana Peppers (Grilled), 12 inch sub1.5 oz10012001032
Banana Peppers (Grilled), 4 inch sub.5 oz0004000011
Banana Peppers (Grilled), 6 inch sub.75 oz0006000011
Showing 1 to 25 of 173 entries
Click on any menu item to see additional nutrition information
Menu ItemServSPtsPts+Orig Pts
1,000 Island, 10 inch sub2.5 oz141111
1,000 Island, 12 inch sub3 oz171313
1,000 Island, 4 inch sub1 oz644
1,000 Island, 6 inch sub1.5 oz976
1,000 Island, 8 inch sub2 oz1198
1,000 Island, Salad2.0 oz1198
1,000 Island, Wrap2 oz1198
10 inch bread5.38 oz11108
12 inch bread6.46 oz13129
4 inch bread2.15 oz443
6 inch bread3.23 oz765
8 inch bread4.3 oz986
American Cheese, 10 inch sub2 oz866
American Cheese, 12 inch sub2.5 oz1077
American Cheese, 4 inch sub.5 oz211
American Cheese, 6 inch sub1 oz433
American Cheese, 8 inch sub1.5 oz644
American Cheese, Salad1.0 oz433
American Cheese, Wrap1.5 oz644
Artichokes1 oz000
Bacon1 slice222
Banana Peppers (Grilled), 10 inch sub1.25 oz000
Banana Peppers (Grilled), 12 inch sub1.5 oz100
Banana Peppers (Grilled), 4 inch sub.5 oz000
Banana Peppers (Grilled), 6 inch sub.75 oz000
Showing 1 to 25 of 173 entries

Nutrition Key:

SPts = Smart Points
Pts + =Points Plus
Org Pts = Original WW Points

Cal = Calories(kCal)
TFat = Total Fat(g)
SFat = Saturated Fat(g)
Fib = Dietary Fiber(g)
Pro = Protein(g)
Carb = Carbohydrates(g)
Sug = Sugar(g)

Note: The SmartPoints values are not adjusted for the new FreeStyle plan as nutrition generally does not show by ingredients. Therefore if there is a menu item you know includes a zero point food item, your points will be less than what is shown in the table.

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